Friday, 29 November 2013

The Hot Yoga - Bikram Style

I have never been a great big fan of yoga in general. Although I enjoy doing yoga, I have never really enjoyed my class to the point of addiction, or even with the excitement of going for the next class no matter how easy the class is.

However, I recently discovered hot yoga, Bikram Hot Yoga in particular. A kind of yoga that is high intensity, in a 40 degree Celcius room for 90 minutes non-stop! Gosh! Was I hooked! The hot room is quite well-known as a torture chamber and a torture it is; but I can't seem  get enough of this 26-pose hot yoga class and wishing that I could join this class as often as I could, even twice a day if I can!

The controversial yoga moghul - Bikram

The temperature rises as soon as you walk into the room, and in less than 10 minutes, you'd be sweating just by sitting down waiting for the class to start. By the time you start the first breathing pose with your 'have-no-mercy' Bikram instructors, you'd be dripping.

For first timers (especially the ones who hardly do yoga), do not even try to go beyond what you can handle, if you want to last. Just take it easy and try to survive through out the 90 minutes. You may be fit and all, but this ain't just any yoga that you have ever come across. You may experience dizziness, nausea and what have you, should you push yourself too hard.

I'm still only at pose no 2 from the left

However, despite the heat and the torturous 90 minutes, I must say that there is something about this yoga that gives me the satisfaction of a good fitness class, that I could even shunt my favourite food afterwards, and only desire fresh uncooked food like fruits and vegetables. My friend's lower back ache even disappeared after regularly attending the class.

I never thought this was possible! But now I could achieve this - wider obviously :)

Curious? I suggest you all give Bikram Yoga a try! If you live in Manchester, UK, the Bikram Yoga Manchester still offers this great value of £20 for 10 days. Now, that's how I got hooked!

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