Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Lemper (banana leaf-wrapped glutinous rice filled with chicken rendang)

We all love to talk about food, and of course, love to eat them too! But, not all of us have the patience or the skills to make certain dishes or food. I admit that I am a pretty decent cook, but, nonetheless, I still have a number of favourites that I am not willing to make myself (even with the best recipe), and would rather ask someone to make it for me.

However, if you feel like eating a certain something that your friends make very well, you can't really keep asking them to make it for you everyday, can you? Hence, the very reason of this post is to share with all of you (particularly fans of Malay food) Cinta Edah (chin-ter ay-dah).

£6 for 24pcs - Meat Karipap by Cinta Edah

Cinta Edah is a new venture of a friend for lazy people like me. People who cannot make time making tedious dishes like karipap (curry puff) or lemper (a new discovery for me and I have no idea how to describe the pronunciation). The 'lem' is close to film and the 'per' is as in 'paper'...if you get ma drift ;)

Pulut Panggang (somebody's pix TQ)

Similar to pulut panggang, lemper is steamed glutinous rice filled with rendang-like shredded chicken, but with much more dry-fried dessicated coconut (kerisik), then wrapped in banana leaf.

It tastes delicious, more-ish (even if I'm not a big fan of glutinous rice) and is sure to make your miserable British weather day more tolerable :) No offence, we all love the British weather, especially if you are in the North West. But this addition, makes it a little brighter ;) Better still, have it with a cuppa PG Tips!

£6 for 12 pcs - Lemper by Cinta Edah

If you live in the U.K. and are longing for some of these Malay goodies, then, you are lucky, because, first, there is now satay on the menu! And, secondly, you can get it delivered to you! To order, please go to Cinta Edah FB page. Who knows, you might be having satay for lunch tomorrow!

£10 for 25 sticks with peanut sauce - Satay by Cinta Edah